Bank Details Switzerland
Helimission Foundation
Bleichi 2
9043 Trogen
Bank Address:
Credit Suisse (Switzerland) Ltd.
9001 St Gallen
CHF Account
Account 359659-21
IBAN: CH63 0483 5035 9659 2100 0
EURO Account
Account 359659-22-2
IBAN: CH72 0483 5035 9659 2200 2
USD Account
Account 359659-22-1
IBAN: CH02 0483 5035 9659 2200 1
Swiss Postal Account
Helimission Foundation
Bleichi 2
9043 Trogen
Postal Address
PostFinance Ltd
CHF Account
Account 90-1142-1
IBAN: CH66 0900 0000 9000 1142 1
Bank Details Germany
Helimission Deutschland e.V.
Parkway 4
DE-88079 Kressbronn
Bank Address:
Volksbank eG - Die Bestalterbank
At Riettor 1
DE-78048 Villingen-Schwenningen
EURO Account
Account 7026005
IBAN: DE36 6649 0000 0007 0260 05
Donation Receipt
Please remember to include your address in the reference,
if you require a Donation Receipt.
Tax deductibility
USA: For a tax-deductible receipt, please make checks payable to "Helimission" and mail to the address given under "Bank Details in the USA" above.
Donations for Helimission Switzerland are tax deductible in all cantons according to the federal law from 14 December 1990 on tax harmonization (StHG) Art. 9, paragraph 2, letter i, "donations are deductible in all cantons" (in force since 1. January 2006).
In Germany, donations for Helimission Germany e.V. are deductible for up to 20 % of taxable income. For donations of up to 200 € a simple cash deposit receipt or a booking confirmation is sufficient as proof. Annual donation confirmation will therefore only be issued for donations of more than 200 € . For smaller donations however, we will gladly send an annual donation confirmation on request.