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Dam Breach Causes Deadly Tidal Wave

Exceptionally heavy rains caused a dam in Sikkim, in the North of India, to burst. A massive tidal wave swept down the valley, sweeping away everything in its path. 40 people died and more than 70 were reported missing.

Torrential rains in early October 2023 caused the 60-meter-high "Teesta lll" dam to burst. The resulting tidal wave swept away 14 bridges on major roads. At a military base, 23 soldiers lost their lives when the brown mudslide flooded their quarters.

Together with our partner in Gangtok/Sikkim, we sought guidance on how to respond to this disaster. We would have loved to help rebuild a footbridge, but that was beyond our means. The bursting of the dam and the resulting destruction of the hydroelectric plant caused a power shortage. Simon is an engineer specializing in hydropower plants. With over 28 years of professional experience, he is the right man for a project to build a 15KW small hydropower plant. This pilot project is currently under construction.


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